Monday, July 7, 2008

Focused Intent - The Art of Magic

There has been a drumming competition on lately called 'speed demon'. It seems to have the assumption that a very good drummer will be able to play very fast. But here's the question: is the mark of a good drummer how many strokes of the stick you can fit into a single beat, or is it how much of yourself you can put into a single stroke?


Anonymous said...

How true and relevant-inspiring stuff. Thanks for sharing - C

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid the question of drumming speed has an age limit... You should not ask it over 21, else it's a case of arrested development.

A symptom of the age of more.

Gavin Marshall said...

I think the issue is about simplicity - within music, as well as life. Up until a certain point one feels one needs to prove oneself. This is, in a sense, to make worthwhile all the work that one has put into getting to that point. Then there comes a place where it doesn't matter anymore - but there's a quality that's there which is hard to define, but it's the result of years of work and tremendous creativity and potential being focused through a single point.

Anonymous said...

I was introducing a fellow Christian to Tourniquet and in the one song Ted Kirkpatrick drums both fast and slow and Greg (who is a drummer)was more impressed by the slow drumming than the fast.